
JACQUARD Color Remover

  • Color Remover can remove dyes and stains as well as whiten any natural fabric, rayon and some nylons.
  • It does NOT work on polyester.
  • Color Remover requires high heat, which may be problematic for wool.
  • It is not bleach.
  • It can also be used for discharge techniques.

Please Note:  When removing dyes, the fabric color does not always come out white. A completely different color may result. Always test first. Utensils and pot used for color remover should not be used for food.

Available Sizes:
2 oz/56.70 g Item CHM1300
1 lb/0.45 kg Item CHM2300
In an enamel or stainless steel pot dissolve Color Remover in enough hot water to cover fabric. Use 3-5% by dry weight of fabric. Heat to 185ºF, add fabric and continue heating. Color Remover works best at a rolling boil. Keep fabric moving for 10 to 20 minutes or until color has left as desired. Wash with mild detergent in cool water. Note: When removing color from fabric, remember all dyes behave differently. Results may vary. Always test first.
CAUTION! Harmful if swallowed. Give water or milk if swallowed, and call a physician. Avoid contact with eyes. Keep out of reach of children. Do not expose to excessive heat.

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2 oz., 1 lb.

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